To say these past several months have been difficult is obvious. All of us have made tremendous sacrifices to help keep ourselves and our community safe. This is especially true in the small town of Lubec. Here at Cohill’s we have tried to approach the summer with caution as we figure out how to move forward with our business in a manner that is safe to both Ellen and I, and our guests. To date, we have largely done that by keeping our rooms closed and focusing on carry out as a dining option. For all of you that have been buying food from us, we are so very grateful!
For the next two weeks, we will continue with our carryout menu, expanding it a bit on Friday’s and Sundays as we also prepare to welcome our first set of guests into the Inn. Online booking is still closed until mid June, but after that, we will begin to take guests in accordance with the State of Maine’s direction. At this time, the 2 week quarantine is still in effect and as such, we will require all guests to attest that they have followed the rules of quarantine.
However, it is our understanding that the Governor has a plan, soon to be announced, which will attempt to loosen those regulations and supplement them with new guidance that attempts to balance the needs of our industry with the safety and well being of Maine residents and our guests. We support 100% the difficult challenge that all elected officials face right now as they walk what is an incredibly difficult balancing act between industry and heath and well being. As these new guidelines are released, we fully expect to see more out of state guests begin to arrive and we will be adjusting our processes accordingly.
Now to the Pub. As many may have known, we had always planned on a dramatic change to our pub for 2020. Changes that would allow us to focus on providing our guests with a unique opportunity to enjoy what is arguably the finest view in town. This past winter, we began the process of remodeling before COVID hit. We probably could have used a little insight on that one, but none the less, we had started the process and it needed to be completed.
The changes were sweeping and dramatic. New flooring and furniture; new paint and a new back bar. A new draft system to take advantage of all of the great micro brews that exist in Maine. Tables that allow for a more intimate seating experience and tables that allow for sweeping views. A lounge area for relaxing and communing with friends. All in all, lots of changes. Not the least of which will be our food and drink offerings along with our operating hours.
Beginning the weekend of June 26th, we will attempt to open the pub Friday - Sunday. We are still working on our hours and how we will limit space to meet any social distance requirements. We will update this site as those details become available. Our menu will focus on small plates that pair with our wines, beers, and custom craft cocktails — food and drink that will encourage you to lounge and enjoy versus rushing to the next destination.
Moving into July, we will be announcing both a wine and beer club. These will be on separate nights during the week with no more than 10 people to experience a unique pairing of wine, beer, cocktails and food. These will all be communal events where we focus on bringing people together for camaraderie and conversation. It is our hope that these will be attended by diverse groups of people that can use a common love of food and drink learn more about one another.
“You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.”
These events will be reservation only. A link to sign up will exist on this site and in our newsletter. Be sure and sign up so that you get first notice on what is happening.
We realize that for most of us, our world has been turned upside down. We have a raging virus that has killed more than 100,000 souls in the span of 3 months. A number that is truly unfathonable. We have a country that is being uprooted by deep-rooted prejudice and racial bias. Something that is so very hard for many of us too grasp. We have a community of small businesses that are on the brink of failure due to all of the above.
So, in the spirit of positivity, we hope that our changes, as big and as small as they are, will allow people to come together over food and drink and a beautiful view, as a means of listening, learning and loving.
Ellen & Glenn